Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Week of Service


After we finished email, we shopped, and then I baked... a lot...  I made an Apple Dutch Crumb from from scratch (without a recipe!) from stuff laying around the kitchen!!  And it tasted really good!! (It was super runny though... :P )

Um, after that, I made another Onion and Cheese Loaf.  And then we had dinner at a member's house, (it was super good!!!!!!!! Burgers, Greek salad, beets, and Grilled onions and blue potatoes!!!


We did a ton of service!  Ride on lawn mowers, harrowing fields, moving stuff, etc, and it felt/smelled/looked like fall!!!!!  That day (the after I said it wasn't cold.. of course)  it ended up getting super nippy!  I wore my toque, sweater and scarf!

I even wore long sleeves and a toque to bed!!  Oh, so I'm practicing my french and my bread making!  Bro Raquin (the father of the French family) is a crazy good cook and really appreciates sharing stories back and forth! They tried my bread and said it was really good!!!  (He also gave me some cool advice that I tried, and it worked!!!)


Um, we had a district meeting, and then a tender mercy (not having to tract in the super cold weather and instead getting to drive down to Edmonton that night)!  The zone leaders are awesome!!  They helped (basically did it all) us clean our car!!!


Did some service, it was fun! Then sat waiting for meetings.


We did a bunch of service work today!!!  We started by helping the Rotary Club and then went [and] split wood at a members house (it lasted most of the day!!!!)

I caught a piece of metal shrapnel from the maul in my arm while we were splitting... it was kinda crazy,


Walked around a lot, did mormon.org time, etc. (I made a Raspberry cinnamon cayenne loaf!!!) They asked me late this night if I could speak tomorrow... sure!


They asked that my short 5-min introduction talk (which I forgot to prepare) to be lengthened to an as-long-as-possible talk.  So I ended up giving a pretty decent 10~ minute talk (which was long enough!!!!) that I prepared in Sacrament meeting.... woohoo!!  God totally helped me out!!!!!!!!!!!!  Then we taught priesthood, gave some blessings to some injured people in our branch, taught a lesson to an Indian couple (who fed us some awesome "kind of traditional"  Indian food!  With some Dried snacks which were "hot" (Called "sav"?)  I found that all those years of at least being around/trying spicy food made it taste good and be super fun!!!  That night we roasted hotdogs at a members house, and Bro. Raquin and I ate some ants!!  Big [----------] <-- (that big) ants!!!  He ate 1 "cooked" and one raw, after he killed it.  I ate one whole (and still alive!!) and one I threw it in alive and chewed it up to try and get the flavor... it was, interesting... kind of a metal tangy meaty taste.....

So that's Athabasca!  We've been commanded to use all means (safe and honorable) to get people interested. So we've been doing a lot more service!!!!!!!!!!!

Dirty hands, clean hearts!!!!!

Thanks for all the support!  

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