Saturday, November 9, 2013

It's Pretty Cold!!!!

We told Elder Eyler that everyone asks: “How cold is it?”

I'm pretty sure we spent yesterday in the negatives, but thankfully we found stuff to do so we were spared having to tract in -6*C weather.... with crazy winds and snow!!!!!!  :D  (it was still pretty cold walking around in that though....)


We emailed, I baked some more bread, slept, bought a sharpener, and paid for a nice warm jacket from a member's trip to costco! ... yeah!


We did service the entire day!!!  Worked with the highschool football team filling sand bags (it was weird/awesome being the "older/popular" kids!!!), worked inside/around/on top of that huge backhoe again (why didn't I already buy my coveralls.... :P I was covered in motor oil by the end of the day.... :P),

helped get feeding stations set up for draft horses (while they were walking around us.... [they're huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_o]), and split wood, worked on my french, and burned old wood stuff!


Even more service, again, all day long.... O_o  We worked again on the backhoes (still without coveralls... can you see "wear" I'm going with this? :P) got greased over again…

And then proceeded to be called out early to the two moves in our branch that were happening simultaneously (and thank goodness, in the same place, lol)  which lasted the rest of the day....



Can you guess?.... even more service!!!!!!!! lol, we helped at the library, setup 2 halloween parties, carved pumpkins, moved chairs, tables, setup booths at the carnival, ate lunch, and had the Lord bless us the entire time.  I fell into bed after giving the apartment a good cleaning with our extra time that night!  (My halloween costume was a french chef.... hu-hu-hu *in a french accent* with a fake mustache and apron)


Service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and baking..... service and baking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We helped pregnancy test about 4 dozen heifers... kinda awkward, but still super fun!!!  By the way, after 2 days in motor oil covered p-day clothes, I broke down and bought some coveralls, just in time!!!!!!  I was the one running in and around the cows getting them rounded up, lined up and in the chute for all the tests and tags...  It was so awesome!!!!!!!  Not to mention the fact that I'm super glad I was wearing my boots and coveralls while running through the un-mentionables..... lol

Then we went down to Rochester to start helping with the baking!!!!  When we first got there they kinda looked at us funny and put us to work peeling and dicing turnips.  But by the end of the night we were having a blast. Elder Anderson was having a first cleaning frozen turkeys.... imagine Mr. Magoo with a younger face and an awesome smile!!  I was making 240~ rolls.... it was a crazy day, and a huge miracle (thanks for praying specifically that it would go well!  It did!!!)


We spent the rest of the day in service!!!!!!!  We split 4-5 cords of wood... loaded and unloaded trucks

[ we interrupt this email for a cool miracle  ]

So as we were throwing split log sections (30-40lbs each) +8 feet in the air, I got super tired. ( it was just me and another guy throwing them....)  and so I knew I not only couldn't keep it up, but I wouldn't be able to help later that night or possibly the next day either...  So I did the only thing I could do, I prayed.... a lot

The answer I got came instantly and over the next day and a half.  First, the thought, had I done my part to stay in good physical condition to do the Lords work? Not really.... I need to start working out.... which sucks.... cause I'm tired and have no motivation..... But!  The Lord is extremely merciful and not only instantly gave me more strength to keep going (and stronger than before!!!!) but that I was able to help at the kitchen later that night and I wasn't sore the next day.  In fact, He decided to add in a bonus, it was daylight saving weekend and fast Sunday!!!!  So I ended up getting between 9-10 hours of sleep while still keeping the Missionary Schedule!!!!!!

[continuing transmission]

We finished the wood and avoided drinking the fly infested water.... (Elder Anderson and I were sitting across the table when they offered us some bottled water.... but we noticed a small black dot floating in the opaque jug.... our worst fears were comfirmed.... it was a fly..... X_x  Thankfully, they noticed it too and didn't make us drink the water! lol)  and headed off to help in the kitchen.  We cooked, cleaned, served, talked, and ate the night away, it was awesome!!!!!!!  I was totally in my element and was able to not only make friends with everyone in the kitchen, but we had an incredible time during and after the event!


A day of "rest"... lol that's funny... :P haha

Had some awesome answers to prayers/fasts.

It snowed.  It was cold.

Did service.

Taught some cool member lessons, and had fun not tracting!!!!  Lol, the Lord has blessed us in abundance!

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