Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lead by The Spirit!

So we were delayed getting to email by 2 days (abnormal) and when we started this morning my computer froze up completely (yes, I tried ctrl-alt-del, esc, and everything else).  It was completely stuck (also kind of abnormal).  So, I let my companion know that I was frozen out and waited for anything to happen.  I decided I would try one last thing.... pray!!


So in my prayer, I told Heavenly Father that I KNEW He could fix my computer and that I had tried everything!  I asked that I would know what to do and said that I know that whatever happened was for a reason. it was still stuck (not as abnormal, haha)  so I started looking around for stuff to entertain/do while I waited for my comp to finish.  When I was looking behind me (something I definitely wouldn't have done if my computer was working) I noticed someone struggling to talk to the head librarian.  After seeing the familiar grunts and movements, I realized that she was signing!!!!!!!!!


I immediately walked over and "asked" if she was deaf.  She was and both of us were glad to find someone we could sign with!!  We signed for 5-10 minutes talking about work, back home, life, and sign language!  I even was able to suggest a cool Mormon deaf video on Youtube!!  She said when her work schedule was and so we'll stop by and sign with her again sometime!!!


I was completely blown away!! I was so blessed to have my email freeze!!  I was able to know instantly what the Lord wanted and what to do!!  I'm still kind of shaking from the experience!!! This isn't even the first experience this week like this where the Spirit has told us exactly what and when to do something and it has brought immediate fruits!!

Still though, even though Signing was incredible (another super cool thing I need to tell you about), just the fact that the Spirit is that close in directing us just inflates my heart and carries me away!

Check out our tree!!!  Now our study room smells like orange, popcorn, and pumpkin pie spice!!!




made a quick reference compilation of recipes



"Freakin" awesome answer to prayer,  we had to walk down the hill and were hoping to talk to people on the way, we made it a specific part of our departing prayer and ended up having a fantastic contact that turned into a Potential Investigator!!  The Spirit was leading the entire conversation!!  Telling us what and when to speak!!  Did service.  it was awesome!



I bought furry inside/ leather outside coat!!!

Taught a good lesson to a family and I helped the kids solve their rubic's cubes!  (I had to take some apart in the process, but not all!!!)



I tried (and it kinda worked) to have a conversation in French with a trucker.... teehee

We had a super good lesson with a couple we’ve been working with, He's "getting better" at stop smoking... :P help, prayer, etc. would be appreciated!!!

The Lions Club is going to mention us (and the church!!!!) in the local newspaper thanking us for our service!!


We helped to load 600 head of cattle!!  I was covered in "un-mentionables" by the end of the day, but was successful in helping truckers prep trailers, load cows, try and ride calves (lol), not have my leg broken when a cow kicked it.... (owwwwwww!!!!), wasn't seriously injured by cattle prods,  and didn't get my arm broken either!!!


We tracted in the middle of NOWHERE  literally, Its getting super dark by 5-6 o'clock at night... :(  but it was super fun!!!!!!!  Oh, I also used the last of our wild caught free fish.... :P  I made double battered fish sticks from scratch with the halibut fillets we had!!! (it turned out beautifully!!!!!!!!! perfect texture, consistency, smell, everything!!!)


President and Sister Manion visited our Branch today!!!  It was -15* this morning...... super super super cold.... XP  I asked Pres.  about becoming an ASL missionary.... and then I had this crazy experience today!!!



Helped at a Crafting thing

Moved furniture

Finished kitting my rag/hotpad thing

started a tie for District Meeting the next day!!



Finished knitting my tie (the only one I brought!!) right before the opening prayer for District Meeting

We were again delayed and lea by the Spirit to visit a certain investigator who is going through some super tough times!!  THE SPIRIT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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